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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Energetic Arts?

Energetic Arts refers to the discipline of working with subtle energy to accomplish specific purposes such as healing, auric cleansing, manifestation, transformation, gain clarity and wisdom, awakening, opening portals, akashic record reading, channelling, teleportation… and so forth.  Examples of modalities that work with subtle energy are Reiki, Reconnective Healing, many esoteric practices from the Mayan Shamanic tradition, Acutonics sound healing, Hanafuda Magic, NLP and many others.  

What is Subtle Energy?

Subtle energy is the fabric of our universe.  What we refer to as subtle energy is not just about energy but also information that affects our body and mind.  Since it contains energy and information, the study of subtle energy is often grouped under the emerging science of consciousness.  It is a very complex subject involving different scientific disciplines as well as the subject of mind in spiritual studies such as Buddhism.  It is widely suggested by quantum physicists that consciousness is related to the quantum field, beyond the constrain of time and space. 

Mind & Life Institute, Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and HeartMath Institute, are some of the organisations that have produced cutting-edge research on this field.   Masaru Emoto (江本勝), Greg Braden, Bruce Liptons,  Matthieu Ricard, Marilyn Schlitz, Stuart Hammeroff, Lynn McTaggart are well respected experts who have made substantial contributions to this area.     

If you are interested in this subject, the following are internationally best selling books and films which the above experts and institutions have contributed to: 

  • The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto (江本勝)

  • The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden

  • The Quantum and the Lotus by Matthieu Ricard & Trinh Xuan Thuan

  • Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton

  • The Field by Lynn McTaggrt

  • The Living Matrix film directed by Greg Becker, featuring Adam Dreamhealer, Arielle Essex, Peter Fraser, Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, Marilyn Schlitz and Edgar D. Mitchell, Eric Pearl, and other experts in the field of consciousness. 

  • What the Bleep! Down the Rabbit Hole film directed by William ArntzBetsy Chasse, Mark Vicente, featuring Stuart Hammeroff, and many others scientists and professors. 

What is Quantum Leap program?

Quantum Leap is an extraordinary program designed to elevate you to new height of success.  It expansion your vision, reconnect you to your authentic power, and empowers you to live out your true path. 

The program has three basic components: Human Design Analysis, Life Mastery Coaching and Quantum Alignment.

Human Design Analysis in the Quantum Leap program provides you the empirical knowledge of who you are, your life path and how your mind function energetically.  It educates your mind and helps align you to your highest potential through consciously knowing yourself and making correct decisions by following your strategy and inner authority.

Quantum Alignment in the Quantum Leap program aligns you to your highest potential energetically through working with your subtle energy.  It is integrated with traditional Life Mastery Coaching to expedite the process of realigning you to you authentic power at cellular level, bringing shifts and lasting transformation on the spot. 

Quantum Leap program is a flexible program that can be tailored according to clients' needs. 

What is Quantum Alignment? 

Quantum Alignment is an amazing method to expedite the process of reconnecting with your authentic power through working with your subtle energy in the higher domain.  It expedites the process of realignment at cellular level, bringing shifts and lasting transformation on the spot. 

The idea is like tuning a piece of musical instrument.  Say, your violin is out of tune.  It can takes years of practice to tune it by ears but when you  have a tuner, harmony can be brought back easily on the spot.  Quantum alignment provides the circumstances allowing such spontaneous transformation possible.  (Please see below for explanation on spontaneous healing.) 

Our mind is deeply conditioned to run a life that fits in the norm of our society, community and family.  We are not brought up to live authentically as who we truly are.  Not only we don't know how to play our own song, our mind is constantly out of tune.     

Quantum Alignment is to tune you back to your authentic frequency and help you play your own song.  

What is spontaneous healing and how can it occur through a distant healing session?

Spontaneous healing, or spontaneous remission, entails a sudden release of disturbance that would otherwise continue to block your progress in life.

Think about two people working to update a movie script via a video conference. During the process, there is a flow of conversation and idea. After deciding on what changes to make, the update can happen instantly.

Similarly, you can decide to change your life and be happy in the same way.  Instead of a physical place of video conference, spontaneous healing takes place in a more abstract way.  It takes place in a high vibrational field beyond the constraint of time and space.  This field gives you the opportunity to gain clarity of the subtitle of your own movie embedded deep in your subconscious mind. It acts as a catalyst in releasing your destructive emotion which, otherwise, can stay deep in your mind for years.  This is what makes spontaneous healing possible even the coach and the client are not in the same physical domain.  

You don't need to suffer for years of emotional aches and pain.  Make an appointment for a session now.

What is the Human Design System?


The Human Design System is a synthesis of the ancient Chinese I-Ching, Hindu-Brahmin Chakra system, Sephirot of Kabbalah, and modern sciences of genetic code mapping.

Ra Uru Hu, the founder of the system, first received this transcendent cosmic knowledge during an eight-day mystical encounter in January 1987.  This system of new knowledge is vast.   It reveals the matrix of the universe as well as multiple life forms from human, animal, tree, insect, fish to single-cell organism.  It explains the nature of the universe, how it all begins, the dying and reincarnation process of human, the mutation of mankind, the upcoming new era and many others fascinating cosmic knowledges.  Ra Uru Hu organised this vast reservoir of cosmic knowledge and called it the Human Design System. 


The Human Design System leads us to something that predates all humans who are alive today. It is not an invention but an expression of something far more fundamental than anything in history.  Within this vast knowledge lies the answer to the fundamental question of "Who am I? What is my purpose in life?" 

Today, Human Design has become a new tool for awakening to our energetic blueprint - the blueprint of who we truly are.  It has transformed many people's life and helped many find meanings and fulfilment.  Most importantly,  it helps us connect back to the love of being ourselves. 

Click here to watch videos on Human Design

What is Life Mastery Coaching?

A structured program, Life Mastery Coaching empowers you to unveil the true meaning of excellence in your life. Through it, you get access to a plan of action, constructive feedback, ongoing support, and a high-level perspective.


Working in conjunction with your coach, you will identify, clarify, and create the vision for your own life. What do you want? What do you see for yourself? There are a wide range of benefits that you can reap by integrating Life Mastery Coaching into your plan because in all likelihood, you are missing out on blind spots that a coach can help you identify, directing you toward the areas that need your most attention and providing you with straightforward insights drawn from an objective point of view. A coach will also make sure that you are staying accountable, holding you to the goals that you have set and checking in with you to make sure that you are progressing in a sustained way toward even more ambitious goals.


To accelerate your results, your Life Mastery Coach will help you see and prioritise the areas that are impacting your quality of life most.  By pinning down the gaps between who you are and who you want to be, you can start to live a life that you can love – and thrive rather than simply survive. Your Life Mastery Coach will propel you toward stunning personal achievement.

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